Sunday, 15 April 2018

Why We Love Mint (And You Should, Too!)

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Whenever you hear the word mint, many good and few bad things may come to your mind. That's right! Mint has bad reputation for no reason. which is , mint is of predatory nature and takes over the garden from other plants. It spreads so fast that within few months you will see mint every where in your garden.

You can take care of this problem very easily. Just don't grow mint near the other plants. You can sow mint in abandoned places where you cant grow much or cant use that place otherwise.

Mint grows very fast, that means you can harvest as much as you want. If you cut too much of mint ,still it will grow back. means you can have unlimited supply of mint for your kitchen at no cost.
                      Image result for mint harvest

Mint grows really well in shades. So you can grow in verandas or by the walls where you can grow other plants due to absence of sun light. so all of those shady places which are neglected and doesn't look good because of no greenery , Mint is the best solution. It will make those places green and alive.
                              Image result for mint growth indoors

Mint is easy to grow. You don't have to water it regularly.
It's grows easily if its cuttings are planted in soil, the roots will grow very fast. It doesn't need much of fertilizers either. 

Mint is very helpful in attracting beneficial insects and repels the harmful ones.So growing mint near flower will help them fertilize easily.

Mint is very beneficial for pets for example cats and dogs.Chickens and parrots eat that too.Mint has digestive properties that's why it keeps the pets healthy but keep in mind that pets don't consume it a lot.
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For foods ,mint is perfect culinary herb. it can be used in many recipes. In asian countries mint is used in many foods. I like the taste of mint in Dahi Bhale, Pakoras, meat karahi or curries.
Moreover mint lemonade is a blessing in summer.
Image result for Pakoras with mint sauce
Related imageImage result for Mint lemonade
Mint is also used in herbal medicines as digestive or breath freshener.Mint tea is very good if stomach is upset.It is also good foe headaches. Mint is also used in health and beauty care items for example shampoos, oils, and creams.
Mint is very good for skin and has following benefits.

  • Removes dark spots
  • Cures acne and pimples
  • prevents wrinkles
  • Brightens skin tone
  • Removes body odor
  • stress reliever  

Tuesday, 10 April 2018

7 Signs You Should Stay Away From Fast Food

Today i will tell you the 7 signs if you observe in your daily life, you should be serious about changing your diet plan.


Obesity is a serious problem these days. It means that body has too much fat stored.
Due to fast food consumption, body doesn't remain same tolerant for other food like fruits and vegetables. Hence there is a craving for fast food which causes more fat storage in the body. i have wrote a complete article on Obesity. Click the link

2)-Heart Disease

Heart disease occurs when fat starts clogging the arteries and blood supplies start slowing. This is because fast foods are highly saturated in fat and cholesterol. So daily intake or even 3 or 4 times intake in a week may cause serious heart disease.


People who consume higher intakes of fast food may develop type 2 diabetes. this type of diabetes develop because body absorbs high level of sugar and carbohydrates from junk food which then absorbs in blood. If this high level of sugar stays in the blood for long period of time, may cause number of other diseases. 

4)-Peptic Ulcer

Peptic ulcer occurs when lining in stomach starts breaking.This pain starts when eating food and will result in sleepless nights. The pain is too much to bear. Peptic ulcer starts due to spicy foods rich in oil and fat.

5)-Irregular Timing of Eating

Irregular timing of eating will result eating more fast food and less proper meals. This in turn will cause Obesity as fast food digest quickly and body craves more food to digest and you end up eating more food.

6)-Lack of Essential Nutrients

A well-balanced food contains all essential vitamins and minerals required for healthy body to function properly.But fast food may not have all these elements, this type of food contains high quantity of fat and cholesterol and some proteins but no vitamins, iron,potassium and zinc.The deficiency of such minerals may result in serious consequences.


It has been observed that a meal saturated with fat can increase your stress level. Certain foods and drinks act as powerful stimulants to the body and hence are a direct cause of stress. Fast foods, contain synthetic additives – preservatives, emulsifiers, thickeners, stabilizers and flavor-enhancers. 

Friday, 6 April 2018

Obesity is becoming a worldwide Problem

When we read or hear the word Obesity, the first thing comes to mind is over consumption of food.
Actually its more than that. Obesity occurs when body is unable to burn calories. food start to store in the body in the form of fat and body starts to gain weight.

Obesity becomes the chronic disease just like high blood pressure or diabetes.  In long run it may cause death. If a person is obese and also a smoker or have high blood pressure then chances of death will be quite high.

There is is a general rule of thumb to measure obesity. If Body mass index is more than 30 then you are obese for sure. BMI is weight ratio to height.

Before it was assumed that only developed countries like USA or European countries are facing this problem. But if you study the current statistics than you will realize that its becoming the global problem as more people are getting educated and they stay seated during their desk jobs hence burning less calories than intake.

As you can see that most of the Asian developing countries are also in top ten obese countries in the world.

There are many reasons of Obesity.

1) Food intake is the first of course.
2) Genetics plays a vital role in obesity. If genes are efficient in metabolism then less chances of Obesity.
3)It also depends on your family life style. For example i have seen many cases  where One or both of the parents are obese and results the obesity in children.
4)Some emotions also trigger hunger. i know many people who start eating when they are angry or sad , even though its not very common but still it happens.
5)Environment plays a vital role for this problem. For example if there is no gym or park around your house and people tend to stay at home then chances are there will be more obesity in the area.
6)Gender also affects the obesity, Men have more muscles than women , so they burn more calories hence women tend to be more obese than men.
7)Age results in obesity as you might have noticed that as people get older ,they become fatter.

So question is how do we treat obesity? Answer is real simple. Eat less and workout more.Most of people try to reduce weight by other means like surgery which i think isn't a good idea. Because it may cause problem in near future.

Medical advisers recommend to reduce 500 calories a day or burning 500 calories a day will result in one pound of weight loss in each week.
There are other medications in market but i will recommend the exercise only as it's more beneficial than any other thing available yet.